So... today has been good so far. Tailwind all the way from Colorado Springs to Pueblo!
July 16th - Boulder, CO to Colorado Springs, CO - 100 miles, 8.5 hours
My legs felt like absolute mush that day. I started out at about 9:00 from Rob's mom's place, and the ride really sucked until I was south of Castle Rock, CO. It took me a while to get there--which was about 50 miles away from Boulder. It was really hot that day too. The ride south along CO-105 was amazing... it looked a lot like California, and made me miss home. It was rolling hills all the way, which really hurt in the legs, but made it nice and scenic. I saw some bison too!
Except they weren't wild, and were in someone's farm. I still got pretty close. I was welcomed by Dave and Paula Matz in Colorado Springs with a big dinner - Pasta salad with shrimp, two big burgers, and some really good homemade cheesecake.
July 17th - Colorado Springs, CO, to Colorado Springs, CO - Rest day!
So... I ended up going on a mountain bike ride yesterday. I rode John's (Paula's brother) Santa Cruz Nomad -- a sweet ride. I'd love to get a full suspension bike, except they're pretty expensive. The ride was good, through a bunch of swoopy singletrack. Descending on that bike was amazing.
July 18th - Colorado Springs, CO, to ??
So far, I've ridden about 60 miles in just over three hours, at an average speed of around 17.5 mph. This is amazing. I had a tailwind all the way down here, and I think I lost a few thousand feet of elevation too. Now it's time to find some lunch-- I'm pretty hungry, and then head east! It's pretty much straight east all the way to the Atlantic.
From last post, "Seven" is the number of pounds I've lost over the past three weeks of riding. I hope I don't lose too much more weight--or I won't be able to live up to my fatty mcsprinter name.
I am Stephen's dad.
Saw him in Colorado Springs for a couple of hours over last night and this morning. He looks good: trim, more tanned than usual, fashionably unshaven.
He is determined to finish this trip.
It was nice to see him doing these marvelous things and knock off one goal after another, yet with no fanfare. Just a nice kid having a grand adventure, while many of us are having heart palpitations about his safety.
I watched him ride away this morning. Suited up, trailer packed, tires pumped up, and confidently riding away through a Colorado neighborhood. Any of you who knows Stephen would have had the same reaction and feelings as me: immense pride, some anxiety about his safety, and the reassuring confidence that the world will soon be in good hands.
And oh, I gave him a hug and a kiss from each one of you.
Ranjan Jayanathan.
Hi, Stephen. We got the message from Your Father, that You both had a nice Time together and You have decided , to continue on Your own, to cross the Country, all to the East Cost. Well, we realy looking forward to see You here. We are very proud of You, to undertake such a Trip. We had our Son with his Family tonight here for Dinner. Told all of them, about You Adventure. they are quite surprised, Very impressed!!! Please Stephen, promise You will be very carefull. Love from the old ones in Columbia!! Jim and Rosel.
boo where is my shoutout?
did you go off some sweet jumps on that bike? getting like 3 inches of air?
only 7 pounds? I'm surprised it's not more! Though I'll bet you're a lean machine now, muscle weighs more than fat, so I imagine you're very trim. Keep eating!
damnit stephen, how am I suppose to leave you in my dust if you lose weight! Careful not to lose to much though. EAT! Sounds like an awesome adventure.
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