Man, I'm getting tired of riding. Today the TransAm route seemed to do do a semi-circle going north an extra 15 miles, so I've found some roads to cut this way out a bit. I've probably saved 10-20 miles total, which is nice (about 1.5-2 hours of riding, which is a lot these days).
July 31st - Golconda, IL to Sebree, KY - 80 miles. This day was pretty sweet.
1. Crossed into Kentucky! Awesome.
2. Had the best hamburger in a long time, complete with homemade bread as buns. It
was big, and not expensive. Just before lunch too, a guy that runs tours for Adventure Cycling came up and offered Adam and me a place to stay at his house, complete with a cooked dinner. I didn't end up taking him up on it, because it was too far away.
3. First Baptist Church, Sebree KY
I was immediately greeted by another cyclist, Jeff ( greeted me instantly. He walked out of a house that was right next to the church. Yelling out the door at him was Violet, telling him to show me the ropes and where everything was. It turns out that this church has a little hostel for all cyclists in its youth center in the basement. I had a mattress to sleep on, a shower to shower in, a kitchen to cook in, and people to keep me company. I met Stephanie, the first female cyclist I've seen that's touring solo, she's from MA headed out to Colorado Springs, CO (
Even better--Violet immediately took my laundry from me, and washed all my clothes (I wore a spare change of Bob's in the meantime). Also, I rolled in right as dinner was being made, so I had a big bbq dinner. Awesome. Especially because it was topped off with HOMEMADE BANANA ICE CREAM. That stuff was like my banana bread in ice cream form. Delicious.
Best quote from Violet - "I try not to miss a single one of you [cyclists]"
August 1st - Sebree, KY to Eastview, KY - 101 milesSo riding was wasn't the best yesterday. More Kentucky scenery. The highlight was definitely when the day ended. I decided to ride until it got dark, because the road I was on had plenty of homes, so I was going to knock on a door and ask to camp in their yard.
I ended up at Bobby Bruce's house, and at first it seemed like it was just going to be the usual camping-in-yard/using-the-hose-for-water arrangement. However, we probably talked for about an hour about anything I could ask him. He's a machinist that likes to specialize in maintenance/fixing things. I saw some of his property (he has about 100 acres) and he has a cool big barn and plenty of trucks, farm equipment, etc. It was well past dark by the time we were done talking, I had been able to get a shower inside, and all was good. They live right on the TransAm trail and didn't even know it, and finally now know why there are so many bikers that seem to ride on the road.
I wish I could dictate my thoughts to the computer and have it write for me. I'm also really hungry, and am going to find some food. I saw a Mexican place in town, may the burritos in Kentucky be as good as they are in California! I can't seem to upload any photos from this computer, but I have a few that I'd like to put up soon. Also.. for the end part of my trip. I'm taking the ferry from Reedville, VA to Tangier Island, VA, then Tangier Island, VA to Crisfield, MD. One of the ferries doesnt take bikers on weekdays, so I'll probably time it so I get there on Monday the 13th. Taking the ferries will likely take all day too, because the second one leaves at 4:00 in the afternoon. From Crisfield, its about 60 miles to Ocean City. That'll probably be the 14th, then I'll relax and enjoy the beach for the rest of the day.
If anyone wants to come meet me out in Ocean City on the 14th, I think that'll be the day I get to the Atlantic.