Thursday, July 2, 2009


So. Flight out is in twelve short hours.

Today we did the run around Accra trying to ship an extra box of stuff home. Learned we couldn't ship international packages from the nearest post office, got redirected to the bigger (but not main) post office in another part of town. Everyone out there, don't go to the Cantonments Post Office if you want to ship an overseas package. Shipping a 6kg box of stuff home was going to cost GH 90, around $60. Not the cheapest. Unfortunately, UPS quotes me at about 240 Euro to ship something from Madrid to San Francisco.

Left luggage looks like about 3-4 Euro a day, and it'll probably be around 20 days that we need to do it, also not too cheap.

Maybe the hotel we're staying at will be really nice and let us keep our stuff there for that time.

How else to kill time?

Madrid via Casablanca, here we come.

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