Sunday, July 5, 2009

found bags

Our bags made it back to us today, only 40 hours overdue.

I'm exited to see the tour. It should be a sweet couple of days in Barcelona, apparently the finish is up Montjuic, an interesting hill in the city.

Now its time to scramble for two beds in a hostel in Madrid, then tomorrow we are going to Manzanares el Real, where a park named La Pedriza supposedly has some hiking trails. Spending the night there, then transferring to Barcelona via Madrid on the following day.

Sprits are a bit higher now that we have our stuff, especially because The Westin is allowing us to leave a bag here at the hotel for a few weeks.

Hasta lo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sweet that you got your bags. Back in SD now in one piece. Have fun on the rest of your trip and say hello to Alia for me.
