Introducing Madge, our trusty steed across West Africa to the desert and back.
She is a reincarnated cement mixer, V6 Mercedes power. Capacity for twenty passengers and two drivers, 400L of purified water, 6 gerricans, lots of propane, a kitchen, and toolbench. Eight seats on the roof for slow scenic drives. One big back locker to hold everyones gear. A dozen+ tents, and an extendable tarp for cooking in the rain. A big tow cable tied on the front, handy for pulling out stuck tro-tros.
Possibly the best feature--school bus style windows, making the back seats the coolest places in Mali. What a breeze.
Didnt have a single mechanical that slowed the trip down, though apparently the speedometer/trip distance meter broke once.
If you are considering traveling in Africa, I highly recommend looking into an overlanding.
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